
10 Majitel

Mercedes-Benz GL

9.70 Uživatelé

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Mercedes-Benz GL, foto 1 Mercedes-Benz GL, foto 2 Mercedes-Benz GL, foto 3 Mercedes-Benz GL, foto 4 Mercedes-Benz GL, foto 5 Mercedes-Benz GL, foto 6 Mercedes-Benz GL, foto 7 Mercedes-Benz GL, foto 8
Mercedes-Benz GL, foto 9 Mercedes-Benz GL, foto 10 Mercedes-Benz GL, foto 11 Mercedes-Benz GL, foto 12 Mercedes-Benz GL, foto 13 Mercedes-Benz GL, foto 14 Mercedes-Benz GL, foto 15 Mercedes-Benz GL, foto 16 Mercedes-Benz GL, foto 17 Mercedes-Benz GL, foto 18 Mercedes-Benz GL, foto 19 Mercedes-Benz GL, foto 20 Mercedes-Benz GL, foto 21 Mercedes-Benz GL, foto 22 Mercedes-Benz GL, foto 23 Mercedes-Benz GL, foto 24 Mercedes-Benz GL, foto 25 Mercedes-Benz GL, foto 26 Mercedes-Benz GL, foto 27 Mercedes-Benz GL, foto 28 Mercedes-Benz GL, foto 29

Technické info

Přezdívka auta Mercedes-Benz GL 450 Rok výroby 2007 Koupeno nové najeto [km]:28662 palivo: benzin počet válců: 8 objem [cm3]: 4663 výkon [kW]: 340 kroutící moment [Nm]: 460 zrychlení 0-100 km/h [s]: 7.2 maximální rychlost [km/h]: 250 převodovka: automatická průměr kol [palce]: 275 zavazadlový prostor [l]: 2300 pohon kol: 4x4 spotřeba [l/100km]: 13.3

Popis vozu

Původním autorem recenze je uživatel s nickem "Harrower".

I believe this was the 1st GL in Czech Republic! The car arrived in Prague in the summer of 2007 before they started to import the GL here.

2007 GL 450 (US Spec) with the following options:

Running bars
Sunroof 2X
Rear Entertainment System
Harmon Kardon Premium sound System

Silné stránky

This is the perfect family car. It is very comfortable to drive and easy is to operate. The car has the ability to car 7 people in max configuration but most of the time the back seats are folded down for cargo. The car has had no problem at all...none. Just regular service and that is all. It was great in this past winter storms although the OEM tires should be upgraded to winter tires as the OEM are all season tires.

Slabé stránky

Terrible iPod intergration - this is problem with all MBs
Unlike other models of MB, if you want to convert Nav to Euro from US spec you need to buy complete head-unit which costs 60,000Kc!

Zkušenosti se servisem (poruchy, opravy):

None! Just regular service. The trailer hitch had to be replaced because of recall by MB back in 2007 as the welds on this option were considered too weaks for maximum towing capability.

Zkušenosti s prodejcem (autosalon / autobazar)

Car was bought in US - no issues.
Car has been services at MB Praha - Chodov and their service department is very good


Další vozy značky Mercedes-Benz

Vyhledat podle modelu
Vyhledat pouze:


Never a problem


Perfect car - can carry people, cargo from shopping and has lots of space


Big car!

jízdní vlastnosti

Is very good, but this still is a very big car and has some body sway and is not a racing car for sure! Overall ride is very good and very comfortable on bumpy roads

jízdní komfort

Very good. The seats are very large and can be adjusted many ways so comfort is always possible. Air conditioning is very good...has three zone air-conditioning so all passengers are kept warm or cool when needed.

provozní náklady

The only real issue here is gas. It is V8 and fairly big engine, but this was to be expected. The car is pretty good on gas, but it cost 4000Kc to fill from near empty!

náhradní díly

all MB parts are expensive but since the car has needed to replacements the cost has been low.

výkon motoru

an excellent engine and the car performs very well for such a large car. The car can accelerate very well on to highway and has no issues passing at all.


is ok

hlučnost motoru

The car is very quiet and is designed to be that way. The engine revs when the accelerator is pushed but it is not AMG sound for sure, but this was not the intent of the car.

kvalita sedadel

Excellent seats! Very comfortable and adjustable.


Excellent brakes and never had an issue. But when you have a car that is 3150kg it does not stop right away! You just need to realize when you are driving very quick that you should keep in your mind that this is big vehicle and needs time to stop!

zavazadlový prostor

Huge! There are 3 options which make capacity from 620–2300 litres. Base with all seats up, 3rd row seats folded down, and all rear seats folded down. Each row is split down meaning you can customize cargo capacity depending on what you are carrying.

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